

Maxar is deeply committed to the responsible management of the impacts of our business on natural resources, the environment and space. We comply with environmental regulations, and we work hard to continually produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, use less water and waste fewer resources across our operations. Maxar also produces products that help customers and partners deliver on their own environmental management goals.

Climate Change

Maxar recognizes that the risks of climate change are serious. We take care to reduce our own impact on the environment and operate in a manner that delivers on the needs of today’s society without compromising the needs of future generations. As part of that effort, we strive to produce fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operations.

We cultivate and support a risk-based mindset across the organization by fostering and supporting a robust risk culture at all levels of the organization. This enables us to achieve business objectives in a manner that balances risk and opportunity considerations. We pragmatically evaluate the physical and transitional risks of climate change. Our goal is to ensure that important business processes are not interrupted or only interrupted temporarily, even in critical situations.

We monitor and address the physical risks of climate change to promote the health of our business and resilience of our assets. Our Facilities Team identifies risk, threats and vulnerabilities that could impact our continued operations. Our resilience strategy includes engineering the organization’s operations, systems and networks to be highly reliable and building organizational resilience and capabilities for effective response. Our goal is to ensure that important business processes are not interrupted or only interrupted temporarily, even in critical situations. Our Facilities Team collaborates closely with the Real Estate Team to develop enhancements to mitigate the acute impacts of natural disasters and other potential disruptions to our facilities. Maxar completes projects to enhance the resilience of our facilities, including installing backup generators, upgrading electrical and water infrastructure, and making flood mitigation improvements.

Resource Management

We responsibly manage the impacts of our business on natural resources and the environment. We take actions to improve energy efficiency, conserve water and reduce waste across our operations. Our Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy reflects our commitment to being a good steward of the environment. Maxar has experienced neither environmental violations nor monetary liabilities from 2020 to 2023.

Our Facilities Team promotes responsible environmental practices through equipment and site management at our office locations. We have ongoing programs to upgrade less-efficient heating and cooling equipment, power systems and lighting infrastructure. For example, we take steps to optimize the electrical load at data centers, upgrade or retrofit HVAC systems, and replace conventional lighting systems with LED lighting. Maxar pursues energy management strategies in our manufacturing facilities, office buildings and data centers to increase efficiency and reduce our energy usage. Our electricity and natural gas use has decreased year over year due to facility consolidations, equipment upgrades, and moving our data and computing to the cloud.

Maxar produces both hazardous and nonhazardous waste from our operations, and we appropriately manage each waste stream to promote responsible environmental stewardship. We are vigilant in our use and management of hazardous material to ensure that it is used minimally and in compliance with applicable regulations on the management and disposal of hazardous waste. Where possible, we strive to reduce the use of hazardous and toxic substances. Maxar has implemented a coating- and solvent-reduction initiative to reduce waste solvents within our manufacturing activities. This initiative has enabled us to significantly reduce coating and solvent use while maintaining high-quality products. For nonhazardous waste, we have established recycling and composting programs at our office locations. Electronic contract management is used to reduce paper usage, and e-waste recycling programs are in place for our manufacturing facilities and offices. Additionally, we recycle scrap metals from our manufacturing processes through a third-party service to reduce the amount of landfill waste generated. Within our manufacturing facilities we use innovative Additive Manufacturing practices to help minimize the material required to make a product and reduce material waste from the manufacturing process.

Maxar expects our suppliers to also operate in a manner that actively manages risk, conserves natural resources, prevents pollution and protects the environment. We seek to partner with suppliers that establish a systematic approach to managing environmental risks and pursue opportunities for business growth through operational and product stewardship.